What is CWD or Chronic Wasting Disease?
Well that is a question that has typically been misconstrued from story to story and state to state. Some people confuse the different types of diseases that affect our Whitetail population. CWD can affect whitetails, muleys, and elk and is typically fatal, though has not been found to be able to be spread to humans or to any type of livestock.
But what does it do and what is it?
Chronic Wasting Disease is defined by the USGS National Wildlife Health Center as:
"a disease of the nervous system in deer and elk that results in distinctive brain lesions. It continues to be a major issue for wildlife scientists throughout the Nation, and a key focus for research at the USGS National Wildlife Health Center (NWHC)."
How do we tell if a deer may have this disease?
The "Columbia Missourian" provides this graphic to show:

Where has CWD been found?
The USGS NWHC provides this pretty recent graphic showing where CWD has been found.

As you can see this is an issue. I see a LOT of hunters that don't care much about CWD. The reason being that it typically changes the way that hunting is performed and regulated in that specific state or area. I know that in Arkansas it came down to a large statewide debate about whether or not to apply new bag limits and feeding restrictions.
I am not a scientist, and i do not know all of the CWD details but it is something for us as hunters to be mindful of. Please take the time to research this subject and make a decision. It is likely that after this season, and as more research is done, that we may see future regulations in Arkansas based on this very subject.
My only request. Be informed. Make choices for the future of hunting and not for the following season alone.
Take care and good luck in the woods!