That time of year is upon us here in Arkansas. We are right at one month away from the opening day of bow season. Rains have started to come in, temps are starting to drop slightly each week, and the outdoor stores are full every afternoon with hunters making sure they have all their last minute supplies.
As you read in our last blog post, the late summer scouting is going on and people are trying to make sure that they are doing their final game camera checks and have their spots cleared out for the season ahead. Hunters are in their yards and at archery ranges making sure that they have their sights dead on and bows tuned up to a "t".
Myself, i have been doing these same things. I sometimes just stroll up and down the aisles at the nearest outdoors outfitters just to be around the products as if to signify in my own mind that its almost time to be in that tree! I come home in the afternoon and watch hunting shows, check all my emails here from ArkansasWhitetail.com, read other great hunting websites, and then go to bed watching deer videos on YouTube. I immerse myself in the world of Whitetail Deer. Many others are this way too and i just want you to know that i plan to bring all these things into one spot. Shows, information, videos, and tips!
Please stay tuned throughout the entire season! We will be updated as often as possible and can't wait to hear from you guys!!
Good Luck in the Woods!!!