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It's Almost "that time"!

Hey everybody! You know what time of year it is. Time for it to be too hot to feel like deer season but too close not to think about it all day. The velvet racks are out in full force and the little spotted fawns are growing bigger each day. Hopefully both of these are due to how well you managed your food plots/feed near your hunting area.

A couple of quick things I want to add to this short and sweet blog:

Remember to stay out of your sanctuary areas from here on out.

Wear gloves when you check your game cameras.

Drive to your cameras if you can. Your ATV/Truck/Side by Side is much less obtrusive than you walking in.

If you don't have a camera you can drive to, then about mid-September it might be time to either pull the camera out all together or only check it on days that you are walking in to hunt. I know its hard to not check the thing every day but the little bit of scent you leave checking cameras is enough to drive the big boy out. People always tell me "Ahh, ive killed nice deer and I check mine all the time". That's perfectly true, but that one BIG mature deer is smarter than the rest of them. That's why he has grown to be what he is. He will pattern you, smell you, and avoid you. So you can kill a nice buck, but if you want that once in a lifetime big boy... it might be time to stay away from the cool pictures...or that's all you will have.

Anyone reading my site needs to know that this site is BRAND new and there will be bumps along the way. Im setting up Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube by myself. Its a tough task and I do it after work/family time. Its a side project. So please keep checking back and sign up for alerts as to when I post new content. Im going to try my best to put out a good product that the people in this state will find entertaining.

Disclaimer... you wont always agree with my strategies and id love to hear why. If you have an alternative method I wouldn't mind featuring your ideas on this blog. Shoot me an email at and ill do what I can.

Stay tuned and good luck prepping for Whitetail season!



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